Important Information to Know About Solar Energy

Solar energy has gained an extensive amount of traction over the past few years and it’s standing on its own as an easy and renewable form of energy that can be used for businesses and residences. Many people can get lost in the idea of what solar energy could mean for their home. As it’s not widely understood, here is some important information about solar energy to ease some of your concerns surrounding installation and use:

The Cost of Solar Panels Has Fallen Substantially

The current costs for solar panels are under $.50 per watt and with credits available you can access a solar cell for around $.21 per watt. In the year 1977 it cost around $77 per watt for just a simple solar cell. Because solar cells are being produced in larger quantities, and because they are more efficient than ever before, you can get the cheapest cost for solar installation today.

Some Solar Cells Can Last for 40 Years or More

Solar power plants are usually designed to last for 20 to 25 years and a solar installation on a home will continue to generate energy for 40 to 50 years at an 80% efficiency rate. Once the system is built, you can generate solar power for most of your lifetime in your home.

It’s The Fastest Energy Source to Deploy Worldwide

As many people are choosing to build new homes and expand out from the city centers, new power plants are often required. Even for department stores and malls, many utility companies are finding that it’s easier to have homeowners and business owners set up their own solar panel system and tie into the grid. It’s much easier to deploy any type of solar energy system because it doesn’t need access to fossil fuel power plants or get set up with a nuclear option.

If you are interested in learning more about solar power and solar panel installations, contact us today.

This post was written by Daniel Massaad, owner and expert solar technician at Energy Solutions Direct! ESD is the best choice for Tampa FL solar panels! Our licensed and certified contractors are masters of their craft; with years of experience servicing the great Tampa Bay area and beyond, the choice is simple. ESD excels at offering you the best in solar value!

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